Monday, April 27, 2020

New subject - New Assignment

I wanted to make certain I could find one of the simplest and friendly resources by which the subject of set theory could be revisited. In other classes such as discrete structures (or discrete mathematics), concepts about set theory and logic are usually covered as a wholly-contained subject. I would like to brush up on certain principles and be certain they are second nature to you before moving on. Hence, for assignment 5 in the ASSN (assignments subfolder), you will be needing to review set theory and venn diagrams. We will begin by restricting our discussion to cases of just 2 sets (although the same principles can be applied to an arbitrary number of sets. This website contains the material you may use to brush up on these concepts. In addition, this file already present on the dropbox will serve an important role.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Monday, April 13, 2020

Reminder to set up counseling hours


 Remember to refer to the syllabus and set up office hours, at which point I'll be able to discuss how to set up future consultations.

Youtube channel update

Please follow the codeimitatinglife channel at YouTube for the updated content. SQL backup and recovery is discussed in the latest video. Also, if you haven't already, see the assignment guidelines video. Finally, your next assignment is to contact me for counseling hours and set up a conversation electronically for no more than 15mins (assuming you have no additional questions). Upon completion of the test run, you will be given assignment credit. All the Best and Be Well!

Friday, April 10, 2020


  Please see the databases playlist on Youtube if you haven't already. I've tried to explain certain questions on a video found here. If you have too much difficulty with the QA forum, you may either comment on the blog here, comment on the Youtube videos or send me an email directly.

More to come... (Be well!)